General information about Tae Kwon Do
and the Han Moo Kwan Club
Tae Kwon Do is based on an ancient Korean fighting art and means “The Way of
the Feet and Hands.” The style of Tae Kwon Do practiced by our club is
called Han Moo Kwan (a military form of Tae Kwon Do). Mr. Ui Jung Kim,
sixth-degree black belt, was our founding chief instructor. He passed away
in January of 1999. The foundation of our techniques includes strikes,
kicks, blocks, self-defense, sparring, and hyung (commonly called “forms” in
English, and “kata” in Japanese).
Our Han Moo Kwan Club retains the traditional style and philosophy taught to
Mr. Kim in the 1950s, before the unification of the Kwans (schools) into the
World TaeKwonDo Federation (WTF). Unlike WTF, whi
ch markets its training
toward younger students desiring to achieve through competition (sport),
this form addresses the needs of the adult who wishes to practice a power
form designed for personal combat. This fighting art is used strictly for
self-defense using only bare hands and feet, no weaponry, to fend off
The physical (body) aspect of our training provides the student with an
aerobic and anaerobic workout. Other benefits include increased flexibility,
improved balance, and strength training. The mental (mind) aspect of the art
form teaches power and focus. Other benefits include stress reduction and
increased self-confidence. The discipline of blending these body-mind
skills is based on a respect for oneself and others.
Han Moo Kwan uses traditional rankings with a limited set of belt colors
including white, green, blue, brown, and black (in various degrees).
Approximately every six months, students demonstrate their skills through
formal testing. They are then awarded their new rank, and treated to a
celebration dinner.
Although the art form is often seen as “harsh”, the club retains its
underlying goal of building community. Studied by men and women, the young
and not so young, a strong sense of camaraderie develops among club members.